- 1945 – Services conducted by visiting ministers from the end of the war in August 1945 until June 1946.
- 1946 – Conference appointed the Rev. Leonard Woolfrey, B.A., as minister of the newly-constituted charge which included Glenwood, Appleton, Gander Benton, and Gambo.
- 1948 – The Rev. Nelson B. Hodder succeeded the Rev. L. S. Woolfrey. A war-time building was renovated to be used as a manse and a church hall.
- 1953 – Under the leadership of the Rev. E.C. Sturge, B.A. B.D., Gander became a Charge in itself, independant of the Home Missions Board.
- 1954 – At the congregational meeting in the early part of the year it was decided to erect a new church building in the new town.
- 1955 – On October 4th, the sod for the new church was turned by the then-Moderator, the Rev. Dr. George Dorey. Meantime the building of a new manse on the newly-acquired property in town had begun.
- 1956 – The new manse was built, dedicated and occupied.
- 1957 – The corner stone of the new Church was laid by Mr. Charles Butt, long-time resident and active member of the congregation from its earliest days.
- 1958 – The new church was dedicated on December 7th.
- 1959 – Construction of a church hall, begun in July, was completed and officially opened on the anniversary of the church dedication in December.
- 1983 – December 4th, 25th anniversary celebration.
- 2008 – 50th anniversary celebrations.
- 2018 – 60th anniversary celebrations.
The data presented …. (“The History of the United Church in Gander”, 1983).