Church Council
Meets monthly to conduct the business meetings for the whole pastoral care. Church Council oversees all functions on the charge and reports to the congregation, in an ongoing way, any issues or concerns that they need to be made aware of. An Annual General Meeting is held and an annual report is compiled for the congregation. Church council oversees the daily management of operations on the pastoral charge.

Session consists of a body of people who are members of the church. Session meets on a monthly basis and at other times when it is deemed necessary. Session is charged with the responsibility of planning regular services and special services at Easter and Christmas. Session approves weddings, baptisms and confirmation and assists the minister with planning hospital and home visitations, taking church to the community and providing services in seniors homes. Session is very active in helping our minister get ready for weekly services, set up for communion, ushering and session duty in the sanctuary before church. The work of session, dedicated to the Glory of God, is crucial to the efficient running of the church.

Outreach and Social Action
Outreach and Social Action reaches out to the community by helping individuals, groups. and societies in need. Whenever a situation presents itself, outreach and social action come together to coordinate support actions towards assisting where possible . Some examples of recent works of this nature is the Syrian relief effort and the Fort McMurray appeal. Supporting food banks, school breakfast programs, hospitals, and other service groups etc. in the community is an ongoing work that is done on a daily basis.
Reaching out to the broader community and the world through Mission and Service is an important mandate of outreach and social action as well. It is our wish that God will continue to guide us towards being kind to those in need.

Ministry and Personnel
This committee tends to the business part of the charge dealing mainly with personal issues. M & P approves vacation time and leave time for the minister and staff employed on the charge. On a day to day basis, M & P deals with job related issues that may come before the committee . Employment contract agreements are also managed by M & P and items like salary review and adjustments are ongoing. Ministry and Personal is an intregal part of the employment business management for the charge.